Interview FunX – Binckie
Today before the crack of dawn we did an radio interview with FunX about Binckie and the paper boat project. Listen to the interview here:
Makers-fair The Hague 2014
Today we participated in the Makers-fair in The Hague. Our paperboat found himself in good company of other inspiring inventions and remarkable objects. Photography: Arn van der Pluijm Photography: Arn van der Pluijm Photography: Arn van der Pluijm
The making of Binckie
We’ve started to build our 5th paper boat Binckie at shipyard ‘De Haas’. Binckie will be a part of the I’M BINCK festival, which will be held at the Binkhorst, a remarkable industrial terrain in Den Haag. The festival celebrates…
Paperboat at the Groene Grachten in Amsterdam
On the 14th of September we presented Paperboat 3 during the ‘Groene Grachten’ and the Solar Boat Race, an event about sustainability and technology initiated by Wubbo Ockels. Our little paper boat was presented at ‘Het Plein van de Toekomst’…
Unnoticed Art Festival, the final presentation
On Sunday the 31st in August, the final presentation of the Unnoticed Art Festival took place in Pictura, Dordrecht the Netherlands. And afternoon with lectures and discussions and of course re-enactments of the original festival that took place in Haarlem on the 17th and 18th…

I’M BINCK festival 2014
This year our Paperboat project is going to be a part of the I’M BINCK festival coming October. The festival features the ‘Binckhorst’, a remarkable industrial area in The Hague. Circular economy is one of the main topics of the…
Paperboat 4 : Our first bio-degradable boat
Today we’ve tested Paperboat 4, the first bio-degradable boat. The boat is constructed with used cardboard and old newspapers, and the glue is solely made of organic materials. So you can throw it on the compost heap after use!…
Paperboat in NRC Handelsblad
The NRC devoted an article on ourPaperboat project and the Paperboat race. Read the full article here (in Dutch):
Students InHolland – Corporate storytelling movie
And here it is! The final corporate storytelling movie the students of InHolland made for us. It’s a fantastic movie, we’re proud and honoured to have been a part of their project. So a big thank you to Aissa Traore,…

Sail Giethoorn 2014
Our Paperboat traveled to Giethoorn to be a part of Sail Giethoorn this year. The little boat looked really tiny but hopeful amongst all those magnificent old sailboats. The event took place from June 12 to 14, 2014. And our…