Big Improvement Day 2015
On the 20th of January we presented our Paperboat project in the Innovation Corner at the Big Improvement Day 2015.
Pitch TedX Amsterdam 2014 – Paperboat project
Well, here we go… Today we’ve pitched our Paperboat project before the 12-headed TedX jury. Fingers crossed! http://www.tedxamsterdam.com/paperboat-project-mr-mrs-gray/ Watch our pitch: Read the full text: The power of imagination Before we begin our story, we want to share with you…
Interview Binckie Den Haag FM
The brave journalist Willemijn de Koning from Den Haag FM joined us during the maiden voyage of Binckie as our first passenger. She was later joined by Sabrina Lindeman who organised the I’M BINCK festival and Hassan El Houari, district…
Lauch of Binckie
After 2 months of intensive building we finally launched our new paperboat Binckie at shipyard ‘De Haas’ during the I’M BINCK festival in The Hague, the Netherlands on October 11th 2014. Binckie (Paperboat 5) is part of the Paperboat project…
Binckie the paper ferry
Den Haag FM devoted an article on Binckie. Read the whole article (in Dutch) here: http://denhaagfm.nl/2014/10/10/den-haag-krijgt-unieke-pontdienst-tussen-laak-en-binckhorst/ Photography Maarten Fleskens
Interview FunX – Binckie
Today before the crack of dawn we did an radio interview with FunX about Binckie and the paper boat project. Listen to the interview here:
Makers-fair The Hague 2014
Today we participated in the Makers-fair in The Hague. Our paperboat found himself in good company of other inspiring inventions and remarkable objects. Photography: Arn van der Pluijm Photography: Arn van der Pluijm Photography: Arn van der Pluijm
The making of Binckie
We’ve started to build our 5th paper boat Binckie at shipyard ‘De Haas’. Binckie will be a part of the I’M BINCK festival, which will be held at the Binkhorst, a remarkable industrial terrain in Den Haag. The festival celebrates…
Paperboat at the Groene Grachten in Amsterdam
On the 14th of September we presented Paperboat 3 during the ‘Groene Grachten’ and the Solar Boat Race, an event about sustainability and technology initiated by Wubbo Ockels. Our little paper boat was presented at ‘Het Plein van de Toekomst’…

I’M BINCK festival 2014
This year our Paperboat project is going to be a part of the I’M BINCK festival coming October. The festival features the ‘Binckhorst’, a remarkable industrial area in The Hague. Circular economy is one of the main topics of the…