Interview Binckie Den Haag FM
The brave journalist Willemijn de Koning from Den Haag FM joined us during the maiden voyage of Binckie as our first passenger. She was later joined by Sabrina Lindeman who organised the I’M BINCK festival and Hassan El Houari, district…
Binckie the paper ferry
Den Haag FM devoted an article on Binckie. Read the whole article (in Dutch) here: Photography Maarten Fleskens
Interview FunX – Binckie
Today before the crack of dawn we did an radio interview with FunX about Binckie and the paper boat project. Listen to the interview here:
Paperboat in NRC Handelsblad
The NRC devoted an article on ourPaperboat project and the Paperboat race. Read the full article here (in Dutch):
The launch of the Paperboat race at the North Sea Regatta
On the 8th of June we launched the ‘Paperboat Race’ together with Duurzaam Den Haag at the North Sea Regatta in Scheveningen. Caspar Bouman kindly agreed to be our test pilot, because it was the first time our little Paperboat…
Haagse Dingen
An interview with ‘Haagse Dingen’ about the Paperboat during the North Sea Regatta (in Dutch).

Waterwheel presentation
The presentation we held at Waterwheel on March 19th is online! If you weren’t able to join us then you can watch it here:

You’re being ridiculous
We’ve sent the story about our paper boats to You’re being ridiculous a blog about amazing and weird stories. And as it turns out, we’re completely ridiculous. You can check out our contribution here:
Unnoticed Art Festival – Announcement Metropolis M
Adding to the suspense: The announcement for the Unnoticed Art Festival in the Metropolis M.
ARTiculACTION Interview
The March issue of ARTiculACTION is out, and this time it includes an interview with us about our work.