Nederland is in de ban van de stikstof crisis. Nederland is namelijk één van de grootste hotspots ter wereld als het gaat om de uitstoot van reactief stikstof. Teveel reactief stikstof brengt kwetsbare natuurgebieden, de volksgezondheid en de biodiversiteit in…

Urban farming is hot topic. You see it everywhere. Small repurposed patches of land in neighbourhoods are teeming with lettuce, radishes and sunflowers. You can follow workshops to make vertical gardens from used soda bottles or buy a square meter…

Thursday 7th 2016 we hosted a workshop on ‘Thinkering Government’ during the Border Sessions festival in The Hague, a city hack to engage citizens in a dialogue about matters that concern us all. After a short plenary introduction by Rob…

April 1th we travelled to Sint-Niklaas in Belgium to do a talk and host a workshop on the Internet of Things. The setting was exiting, because we were invited to the Forum DaVinci, a comprehensive school (state college or middle school) to engage the students…
The Schilderswijk (or Painters district) is a stone and asphalt dominated area in The Hague, the Netherlands. In this neighboorhood you’ll find al lot of low income households and imigrants. But it is also a resiliant neighboorhood, with very engaged…

Today was the official opening of our new initiative: ICX, The International Centre for Civic Hacks in The Hague. http://i-c-x.org In this initiative we’ve joined forces with Arn van der Pluijm, Gerrit Jan van ’t Veen en Nathalie Stembert. Together…
And with such a pristine place, we couldn’t resist to create a little something. Our first intervention at ICX, the Centre for Civic Hacks. Right on track by Mr.&Mrs.Gray
Today was the international Internet of Things day. And since we’re in the proces of starting up ICX (The International Center for Civic hacks), we invited everyone to join us for an informal talk about the possibilities IoT has to…

Today we presented our ideas on the Internet of Things and Big data together with Rob van Kranenburg at the Living Lab symposium on the 4th of February in Den Haag. The symposium was organised by Geonovum and the municipality…